The Social Development Agency works on the basis of the organization described in the chart below :
1) The Directorate General.
The General Directorate is responsible for:
- implement the policy defined by the Board and ensure the implementation of its proceedings;
- establish a strategic planning activities related to programs and projects which ADDS provides load;
- provide administrative, operational (or technique) and all financial projects / programs whose implementation is entrusted to the ADDS ;
- ensure the organization, recruitment, appointment and dismissal of the staff of the Agency in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements
- authorize all acts or operations relating to its mission and to make all protective actions ;
- set objectives and missions of the various operational departments ;
- to mobilize financial and human resources necessary for the execution of projects and programs within the scope of missions ADDS ;
- contracting technical partnerships with similar agencies and the same vocations ADDS ;
- transmitting the annual report (or reports of activities ) as well as the accounts of the Agency Board , the supervisory authorities and the various donors ;
- to initiate , authorize expenditure and liquidate , liquidate assets and issue securities revenue for their recovery , sign contracts and agreements of all kinds entering the object of ADDS.
In its control function , senior management must :
- Ensure the timely production and reliability of accounting , financial and legal documents;
- Manage the accounting and financial management of the agency;
- of International Cooperation Service that allows him to establish different contacts with the outside as part of technical partnership for resource mobilization ;
- a service procurement for all activities related to contracts with providers ;
- a system , Information and Networks for Integrated Business Management Services ;
- a Communication Service to publicize the activities of the Agency to beneficiaries , donors , other local and international partners;
- an internal audit service and quality control management and monitoring of the efficiency and performance of the Agency and its divisions and services.
- a cell coaching to manage the network of Savings Banks and Credits ( CEC)
2 ) Administrative Management.
Administrative and financial management is one of the cores of the ADDS , it provides activities common to all services and the need to coordinate the activities of other directions.
Its objectives are to :
- Ensure continuity of funding necessary for the activities of the Agency and the projects it finances or implements ;
- Ensure the timely production and reliability of accounting , financial and legal documents;
- Manage the accounting and financial management of the agency;
- Ensure production orders and summary statements ;
- Managing the assets of the Agency;
- Ensure the bookkeeping of the annual budget of the agency and the monitoring of commitments against budget;
- Ensure the safety and regularity of payments and assets of the agency;
- Oversee the conduct of fiscal accounting and administrative monitoring and implementation of the budget;
- Optimize the management of cash flow and forecasting;
- Manage the quotient checkout.
- Develop and propose to the General Directorate management policies of Human Resources that contribute to the development of skills necessary for the implementation of the strategy of the agency, in accordance with regulations and ensure their implementation;
- Ensuring the optimization of the service and staff motivation ;
- Check out the assessments of human resources;
- Ensure prospective management and development of human resources;
- Ensure the registry and Hospitality;
- Manage the development and management of human resources.
- Define and implement the financial policies , procurement, asset management and records of the agency;
- Optimize the management of material resources and assets of the agency ;
- Manage inventory ;
- Monitors compliance purchases of agency regulations ;
- Manage managing general resources of the agency;
- Participate in the definition and implementation of the procurement policy ;
- Ensure the safeguarding of the agency providing its management and maintenance.
DMF has two services , service refinancing and service monitoring and controlling the activities of Credit Unions Savings and Credit ( CPEC ) or any other financial intermediation structure. Its objective is to promote and develop the microfinance sector in Djibouti. Credit lines granted to the CPEC will finance micro-projects , micro credits . New financial products will be offered by the CPEC namely sight savings and term savings , individual loans .
3) Micro Finance Branch.
The financing of the DMF comes from the National Solidarity Fund account and the funds collected by the micro-credit project ex FSD amounting to 360 million FDJ . Under the program to reduce urban poverty in Djibouti ( PREPUD ), the African Development Bank has allocated $ 3 million USD to strengthen community initiatives and the technical, human structures in Microfinance namely CPEC . The Islamic Development Bank has provided a credit line of USD 1 million and a budget of 3 million USD to build the capacity of the CPEC in Djibouti and in the framework of the project to reduce urban poverty Balbala .
What are the fields of action :
ADDS through its Directorate of microfinance will be responsible for the promotion, management , refinancing and control of Credit Unions Savings and Credit (CPEC ) to enable them to become true professionals micro finance, able to be viable and sustainable .
The Directorate of microfinance will play the role of apex MFIs created during a transitional phase to consolidation. In this context, it will manage a database on MFIs .
Infrastructure Branch (D ) provides a monitoring function and coordination of projects ( project management delegate ) and activities related to construction works , studies or supplies across the territory of Djibouti .
The Business Analyst Officer:
It is based on the concept of » TO – DO » involving the private sector (study Offices , NGOs, businesses ) that is highly developed , to improve their competitiveness and contribute to the effective execution of the work.
How is the management infrastructure ?
- To fulfill its role in developing equipment and infrastructure, DI offers services to different roles.
- Service Studies projects carries out studies and pre studies necessary to conduct the work , sometimes aided by outside specialists ( architect , consultant for specific studies such as dimensioning solar equipment , water supply … )
- Services Control Director: ensures the proper execution of work by contractors , coordinating business validates the benefits,
- Service methods and coordination : Capitalizes working methods in the various trades (building, public works, solar , water …) , performs monitoring of projects and programs of work (monitoring cost and time ).
Our resources and fields of action ?
The new Djibouti Social Development Agency ( Ex ADETIP and Ex FSD) celebrates its first birthday and its establishment by the Government of Djibouti , with the support and encouragement of the development partners, the head of which figure: the World Bank, but also the AFD. , IDB . The ADB. , UNICEF, etc … These various donors , as well as Djibouti state through the National Solidarity Fund (DSF ) permit program achievements and infrastructure and operation of the agency projects.
Our Missions:
- Collection of existing documents
- Visit, recognition and identification of sites
- Working meeting with stakeholders
- Updating and development of CAD studies
- Consideration of no objection if applicable ( eg consultant’s opinion )
- Discount Site
- Construction period (control and monitoring)
- provisional acceptance
- final acceptance
Selection of service providers
- Preparation of short list and TDR
- Performance of the service (control and monitoring)
- Reception and closing according to the contractual provisions
The Department of Social Development (DSD ) provides leadership and coordination of programs function , projects and support to social and community development across the territory of Djibouti activities. DDS initiates , plans and monitors all Agency activities relating to social and community development :
- IEC (Information, Education , Communication)
- Social mobilization and sensitization of beneficiaries
- Basic education (literacy , tutoring, etc.).
- Training and professional insertion
- Strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations (NGOs, associations, cooperatives, CPEC , etc.).
- Promotion of Income Generating Activities (IGA)
- Equipment programs of development actors
In urban areas, the department works on all urban issues , mainly water , education , health , sanitation , social housing and electrification. In rural areas, the themes are much the same except that the management interventions also target the primary sector (agriculture , livestock, fisheries ).
How is the Department of Social Development ?
To carry out its work , the DDS consists of a direction and three services. Management oversees the activities and services involved with them in the identification, design, monitoring and funding of interventions. The » urban development programs » and » rural development programs ‘ services and coordinate the implementation of programs and projects related to social development in urban and rural areas. Finally, the « benefits » service provides coordination and implementation of actions that do not fall within the scope of a program or project.
What are the approaches to DDS?
Approaches to management are four in number :
- territorial and integrated to promote consistently all intervention areas on a target area in order to contribute to the general improvement of the situation,
- participatory and proximity, paying special attention to the involvement of the beneficiaries in identifying their problems and their needs but also solutions to address them ,
- Community , extending the participatory process of beneficiaries who become partners since they are involved in different stages of implementation of projects designed to meet their priority needs,
- partnership , favoring contracts with partners and emphasizing their responsibility based on the principle of « making do. »
On a smaller scale, DDS also takes into account gender and environmental approaches.
- territorial and integrated to promote consistently all intervention areas on a target area in order to contribute to the general improvement of the situation,
- participatory and proximity, paying special attention to the involvement of the beneficiaries in identifying their problems and their needs but also solutions to address them,
- Community, extending the participatory process of beneficiaries who become partners since they are involved in different stages of implementation of projects designed to meet their priority needs,
- partnership, favoring contracts with partners and emphasizing their responsibility based on the principle of « making do. »
On a smaller scale, DDS also takes into account gender and environmental approaches.
The main tasks of the Directorate of Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation
Management and Monitoring and Evaluation Program ( DPSE ) is defined as a real management tool and an essential decision-making aid.
Its mission is to provide a detailed reference situation or condition of the premises before any intervention area to allow better orientation and qualitative improvement actions throughout their implementation.
This is mainly due to:
« Programming » in advance the progress of activities (planning ) to optimize and coordinate the activities of a project or program . In addition, it allows you to control the proper execution of all phases using a calendar that is based on a WBS and a fixed budget time management .
« Follow » the activities carried out under the program , which aims primarily to provide managers and key stakeholders regular retro – information and early indications of progress or lack of progress in achieving the results sought . So this monitoring will ensure effective and efficient performance of a program by providing all levels of important information to improve operational plans and make necessary steps to rectify the shortcomings and possible constraints in the implementation implementation
« Evaluate » the results of the forecasts to assess systematically and objectively the relevance, performance , success or failure of programs and projects. This is a review and critical analysis of the benefits from the results of the project / program, the target groups , in relation to socioeconomic, political and cultural context.
What are the approaches to DPSE ?
» Support: Using methods of monitoring and evaluation »
A methodology for monitoring and evaluation is identified through the selection of impact indicators and results of the program to inform business planning (done upstream) and the monitoring, but also to measure the impact and results of the program at the end of the intervention period .
Then you have to » computerize » the programming system for monitoring and evaluation :
- A database on the living conditions of vulnerable households in the areas of program intervention
- Data on the degree of » empowerment » of vulnerable households ( participation in the structures of community decision-making , _etc dignity.)
- Data on household perceptions about the program ( satisfaction surveys )