Tons of food and non-food items were transported to the camp in Obock Markazi last Thursday during a food distribution ceremony organized by ONARS. The ceremony was attended by the Executive Secretary ONARS, Mr. Houssein Hassan Darar, CEO of ADDS, Mahdi Mohamed Djama, and officials from UN agencies and partners and intervening on humanitarian agencies national soil.
During this operation, the National Office for assistance to refugees and disaster victims was able to distribute food and non-food conveyed from the capital to hundreds of families of Yemeni refugees in Markazi camp in Obock.
The beneficiaries were very proud of this unprecedented donation because they received supplies rations of all kinds and abundance as well as non-food items including clothing and warm blankets, kitchen utensils, mattresses, kerosene cooking … etc.
Note that this emergency aid should improve the living conditions of IDPs and cover their immediate needs and the longer term.
As such, UN officials warmly welcomed the action of the ONARS who advocated for this project and negotiated step by step with the African Development Bank and to get implemented then setting implementation of this food aid project with the support of the ADDS, which is the executing agency of the project. This emergency assistance project should provide humanitarian assistance in the medium term to displaced populations and refugees. It must be said that this assistance provided by the ADB is intended as a contribution to the efforts of the Djiboutian government and the international community.
Furthermore, the project will strengthen the institutional capacity of ONARS through the provision of trucks and transport vehicles food and non-food. The total cost of this emergency aid project granted by ADB to the Republic of Djibouti is a million US Dollars ($ 1,000,000). ONARS boss, Mr. Houssein Hassan Darar was delighted with this donation brings immediate relief to the suffering of our « Yemeni hosts » Has he said. Same story at the official ADDS and UNHCR welcomed this humanitarian operation a large scale. On behalf of the recipients of aid, a refugee expressed his deep thanks to the generous donors who came to them and help.