The Minister of Economy and Finance in charge of Industry, Ilyas Moussa Dawaleh, the chargé d’affaires of the French Embassy in the Republic of Djibouti, Anne Suard, the Director General of ADDS, Mahdi Mohamed Djama, and the Director General of the French Development Agency in Djibouti, Philippe Collignon, yesterday signed a convention in favor of the Republic of Djibouti for the implementation of the integrated urban development project 2 (PDUI 2) in Layableh and Mosquito net of the municipality of Balbala.
This new project, worth 6 million euros (more than 1.245 billion Djibouti francs), will finance the firm tranche of a vast urban restructuring program in Balbala.
This program follows the two urban projects financed by AFD in the past, in collaboration with the Djiboutian Agency for Social Development (ADDS): in this case, urban development at PK12 in 2008 and Wahlé-Daba in 2012. when the first PDUI-1 integrated urban development project was launched.
The challenge of these initiatives is to fight against extreme poverty and reduce urban inequalities by improving the living conditions of the inhabitants. With approximately 275,000 inhabitants, Balbala, which now has more than half of the population of Djibouti city and concentrates the vast majority of families living in poverty, is a priority area of intervention.
The Integrated Development Project 2 (PDUI2) targets the northwestern area of Balbala commune, which has rapidly urbanized spontaneously and is among the most precarious. Thus the project aims to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of Layableh and Moustiquaire, in terms of security and functionality of public spaces, by promoting their urban environment and the provision of essential services including the populations of these people. neighborhoods are private.
Beyond the PDUI2, the overall urban program plans in the long term to complete the priority investments through the networking of public spaces for connection and neighborhood living (road network, public lighting), to implement public facilities nearby ( primary school group, college, sports fields and additional games), to extend the commercial activities and to install communal radiation equipment (fire brigade / police station on the west side of the district, health center with the maternity ward).