Under the auspices of former Secretary of State for National Solidarity Zahra Youssouf Kayad, the Djibouti Social Development Agency (ADDS) held last Thursday at the launch of the training project to promote employment young and crafts for beneficiaries domiciled PROPEJA project Balbala
The meeting took place at CASAF (social action center for the empowerment of women Balbala) in the presence of the Japanese Ambassador to Djibouti, Mr. Tatsuo Arai, the president of the municipality of Balbala, Youssouf Nouho Hassan, the director of CASAF center, Ms. Roda Doualeh Ahmed, Director General of the ADDS, Mahdi Mohamed Djama, the representative of the World Bank, Mr. Moussa Djama Kayad, and the head of Mr. Propeja Project ide Mohamed Abdillahi.
This project is administered by the World Bank, funded by the Japanese for Social Development and initiated by the ADDS spurred the Secretariat for National Solidarity.
At € 2,730 million US dollars, the project’s main objective of improving the accessibility of youth and women in income generation and employment opportunities and this, through training, coaching, and financial support for the implementation of their income generating activities. The project provides basic training on Entrepreneurship, a combination of micro and support for women artisans in the production area to field of marketing.
Eventually, in 2200 young people will be trained in the field of entrepreneurship through a training guide developed by the project team and sponsors about 1200 groups will be eligible for seed funding following the validation of the regional committee.
About 800 women will receive training and financial assistance to improve their value chain. Indeed, the project includes training on design / colors and allocation of a fund for making handicrafts. The project will also support women to sell their products on the market.