The secretary general of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Solidarity, Ifrah Ali Ahmed and his counterpart in decentralization, Mohamed Issé Faraj jointly chaired on Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 January, a series of activities organized in the regions of Tadjourah and from Obock. The occasion, which is part of the national week of social action, allowed these two senior officials and their guides to take stock of the projects carried out by the Djiboutian Social Development Agency (ADDS ) in these two regions and thereby reward the customary leaders, members of the targeting committee of the national family solidarity program (PNSF).
In addition to the social protection of the most needy people, namely the elderly, the disabled, the disadvantaged or all other people in an extremely precarious situation, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Solidarity (MASS) also has the mission of setting up projects aimed at promoting the socio-economic development of localities in the interior regions, including those issued by the various communities during the last presidential tour of the past year. To take stock of achievements in this area, executives from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Solidarity accompanied by those from the Secretary of State in charge of decentralization, as part of the national week of social action, carried out visits to localities and capital cities of the interior regions of the country. Once the tour was completed in the southern regions, the following week was devoted to those of the North.
To Tadjourah first …
After launching activities of the program of the national week of social action in Ardo on Sunday January 24, Minister Mouna Osman Aden and her colleague in decentralization, Hamadou Mohamed Aramis, co-organizer of this annual event, spent the witnesses to their secretaries general, respectively Ifrah Ali Ahmed and Mohamed Issé Faraj.
Which accompanied by several executives of their ministerial departments, including the director of social development of ADDS, Dirieh Farah Souldan, early in the morning of last Monday January 25, carried out in Tadjourah-city, successive immersions in several shops run by young Tadjouriens, beneficiaries of the PROPEJA project, funded by ADDS.
Discussions with the tenants enabled the two general secretaries and their guides to soak up the proper functioning of these income-generating activities. The occasion was for the director of social development of ADDS, Dirieh Farah Souldan, to give additional information on the PROPEJA project, which allowed several young people of the city to exercise commercial activities. At the end of the visits, the general secretaries of MASS and SED, respectively Ifrah Ali Ahmed and Mohamed Ali Faraj and the prefect of Tadjourah, Hassan Dabaleh Ahmed jointly chaired the ceremony dedicated to the assessment of the activities carried out in the Tadjourah region. .
The event brought together in the enclosure of the hotel « L’Oasis » of the white city of North Djibouti, the deputies Ahadi Ahmed Déberkaleh and Houmed Mohamed Houmed native of this city, the vice-president of the regional council , Abdoulkader Omar Abdoulkader, many customary leaders from Tadjourah-city and neighboring localities, young beneficiaries of the youth training program in the field of entrepreneurship and anonymous personalities.
All these beautiful people first visited, under the footsteps of the social development director of the ADDS, Dirieh Farah Souldan, a painting exhibition relating the many projects focused in particular in the fields of the promotion of market gardening, the ‘water supply, rehabilitation of health structures, boreholes, underground cisterns, social safety nets, as well as community development, training of rural citizens, the fight against youth unemployment, etc., that his organization has achieved in this region.
In addition to these major achievements, the director of social development of ADDS, Dirieh Farah Souldan informed members of the delegation and the prefectural and regional authorities of Tadjourah that some 1,784 families benefit from the social safety net nutrition program and a amount of FD 62,287,440 was transferred to PNSF beneficiaries in this region.
In the series of interventions that followed, the prefect of Tadjourah and the vice-president of the regional council alternately emphasized the impact of MASS programs and projects on the population of the region. of Tadjourah.
As for the general secretaries of the two organizing ministries of the event, they both stressed the importance of the socio-economic projects that ADDS has carried out in the region and the objectives of the national week of the event. Social Action.
Officials, at the end of the ceremony, distributed to customary leaders, members of the targeting committee, certificates of recognition and gifts for their contributions to the identification of the most vulnerable families in their respective communities.
In Téwéleh, (a locality located 75 km from the city of Tadjourah) where the delegation subsequently went, the two general secretaries, Ifrah Ali Ahmed and Mohamed Issé Faraj as well as the other members of the delegation were imbued with the proper functioning of water supply infrastructure carried out by ADDS with funding from the community development fund.
And in the Obock area on Tuesday January 26 …
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Solidarity (MASS) has chosen the city of Obock and its region to close the activities of the national week of social action, where the delegation led, by the general secretary of MASS, Ifrah Ali Ahmed and that of the secretary of state for decentralization, Mohamed Issé Faradj went there early in the morning of Tuesday 26 January.
After a short visit to shops run by young beneficiaries of projects aimed at promoting entrepreneurship in this sector of the national territory, the members of the delegation accompanied by the prefect of Obock, Abdoulmalik Mohamed Banoita, the president of the regional council, Mohamed Houmed Ismail first launched the paving work of an artery in the historic district of the city before going successively to the shopping center where the Oubouky association trains about twenty young girls, in the field of sewing. and in the “Fantahérou” district to deliver solar lamps to the inhabitants of this sector as part of the Community Development Fund.
Like the customary leaders and the authorities of other regions of the national territory, the Obockois during a ceremony organized in the conference room of the Al Rahma complex in the town of Obock, expressed their satisfaction with the many achievements of ADDS in their region.
Recall that in addition to the prefectural and regional authorities, this event saw the participation of the representations of the UNHCR and ONARS in Obock as well as a dense crowd made up of the inhabitants of this historic city but also numerous come from the Markazi camp of Yemeni refugees. .
Members of the delegation and other officials subsequently made numerous distributions, including certificates of recognition to members of the PNSF and PITCH targeting committee, and end of internship certificates to young people trained in entrepreneurship.
The beneficiaries of the Income Generating Activity program impacted by COVID 19 also received solidarity funds and booklets from the CPEC on this occasion.
Balahal, last stage of the national week of social action
The members of the delegation took advantage of the way back to the capital, to visit in Balahal, a locality not far from the town of Obock, a buried cistern, carried out as part of the fight against thirst, by the association Ardiro which benefited from funding from the ADDS Community Development Fund.