Representatives of six associations of public utility signed last Monday with Mr. Watkins, UNDP Resident Representative, a financing agreement of a proposed solar cookers for three localities of Tadjoura.
The use of wood for cooking contributes to deforestation in the Republic of Djibouti. Also the UN system supports it financially projects that provide alternatives to intensive logging, particularly in rural areas.
It is in this context that the project financing agreement for solar cookers for three localities Tadjourah signed Sept. 29 by six associations Tadjourah with UNDP Resident Representative Robert Watkins.
The ceremony took place at the premises of UNDP saw the presence of numerous personalities including the President of the Association Mahoubani Mohamed Abubaker, the representative of the Association of Women of Tadjoura, Ms. Fatuma Mohamed Abdallah the General Secretary of the Ministry for the Environment, Mr. Omar Abdullah Dini and director of ADDS. These solar cookers now equip homes sixty villages Kalaf, Sagalou and Adailou.
This is a project funded by the Global Environment Fund as a small grants program environmental project.
It will be implemented soon by the local associations with the aim of protecting the environment and creating income-generating activities through the use of solar cookers.
This innovative project promotes the use of clean, free and environmentally friendly energy. This type of project had never been tested on the scale of an entire village.
It is also a project that places the woman in the foreground in a society traditionally based on patriarchy. It provides a working tool for women who wish to engage in income generating activities.
« The project addresses the problem of deforestation is one of the causes of desertification, » said the president of Mahoubani.
Two of the three target villages are located on the National Highway 9, which connects the city of Tadjoura to the capital.
With these solar cookers, women will be able to increase their income.
« In exchange for these solar cookers, women will commit to taking care of their environment and especially not to cut wood.
The project will have long-term impacts on the environment as it will help slow desertification and mitigating the effects of global warming, « Mr. Mohamed Obakar.