The president of the Community Development Fund Management Committee, Mr. Abubaker Moussa Arreh, directed the work of a meeting to bring scrutiny on fifteen community development micro worn by Quartier des associations 7. The meeting that s was held yesterday in the premises of the Community development Centre ward 7 was attended by officials of the ADDS, including the head of building service capacity actors ADDS Mr. Galab Hassan and Galab Chief PREPUD II project, Mr. Emmanuel PRILLART. The fight against poverty and for social justice has a name in Djibouti, the Djibouti Social Development Agency (ADDS). The agency implements social policy of the government through the State Secretariat for Social Affairs which it depends. Within the framework of urban poverty reduction project in Djibouti (II) (PREPUD II), neighborhood associations 7, which is a beneficiary of the project, submitted a micro panel to social and humanitarian. utility of micro-projects which serve to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the great popular area. Nevertheless, the implementation of PREPUD II project is subject to strict procedural codes and requires the approval of the Management Committee of the ADDS Community Development Fund. This is the purpose of the meeting attended yesterday the members of that committee the CDC local neighborhood 7. Under the leadership of its president, the meeting was attended by officials from the Social Development Agency and referents of PREPUD II projects. In opening remarks, the Head of Service building stakeholder capacity of ADDS, Mr. Hassan Galab Galab focused on the ambitions of his agency intends to « increase the capacity of organizations to fulfill their roles and their function so that they can actively participate in development efforts in their neighborhoods. » Mr. Galab has not failed to note that the meeting would « validate the best projects deemed useful by the CDF management committee. » He recalled that « the Community Development Fund is a small fund dedicated to Quartier 7 to support the activities of the associations (small grants of $ 3,000 in order to improve the impact and sustainability of funded investment program under the second project PREPUD 2 District 7 « . For his part, the head of PREPUD II project, Mr. Emmanuel PRILLART assured that the micro validated during the meeting would support the maintenance, service, sustainability … etc. The micro presented relate to vocational training, tutoring or other community activities of public utility. Remarks shared by the director of community development center, Ms. Koreicha Ali Gedi, who said all his enthusiasm to provide the support and expertise to the neighborhood associations 7, the micro would be validated at the meeting. She expressed her sincere thanks to the ADDS and development partners who were willing to support the project PREPUD II public. Community Management Committee has been busy during this marathon meeting to share between the proposals of micro and retain only the most interesting. President Moussa Arreh Abubaker, and his men have not lost time and crashed into the dossiers of batteries. A beautiful way to serve the people and the community of sight and without necessarily lapsing into ostentation!